Saturday, September 11, 2010

Productive to the Utmost

So I know it has been a few days and thats cool and everything but a lot of shyt has happened lol...i've realized as the days keep going I either have a horrible day, a great day, or a mediocre day...seems like there's room for a grey area in there but there's not ha.  Anywayz, in order to keep my mind and body busy (no hetero), I've decided to devote my day to cleaning and organization.  I figure since my room and school work is so chaotic that gives my life and my mind permission to follow suit? IDK, just a thought.  So far so good tho...only thing I haven't had a chance to do is get into my music. There's just so much material I wanna listen to...which brings me to another random thought...there are so many things that i'm passionate about and that I wanna get involved in right now but for some reason either I don't have the time or my mind cant clear enough for me to do any of I made a check list:

Shyt 2 Do:

1)  Write thoughts down that could potentially manifest themselves into poetry
2)  Sit in my myself...and engross myself in piles upon piles of music
3)  Devote more time to my blog...possibly multiple posts a day once I start writing again
4)  Compose a song...everything from the beat to the hook
5)  Get another tattoo...or 3
6)  Start drawing and painting again...I'm thinking that could help with the expressive issues lol

Well that's all i can think of at the moment but i'm sure it will continue to grow.  And I promise y'all as my blog grows I wont bore you as much lol...I'm a virgin when it comes to this shyt..soon to be a veteran though aka certified pro!! aha! Y'all behave now...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"This Chick..."the start of a cute ass poem maybe?

So there's this chick right...and she's angry all the time. Maybe it's because the world keeps testing her with its lack of understanding.  This chick...she tries to reason with the world...she tries to listen to the world...she tries to EMBRACE the world...but somehow she still ends up mad and upset. The world thinks less of her...the world makes her feel incompetent...the world makes her think that she is alone amongst many...the world is a b_itch. What's important to her is not important to the world and whatever she has to say gets lost in its bullshyt. She tries her best to cope with this...she tries her best to keep control of her emotions so that they will not grow into something bigger and badder....but all her emotions can say is" f_ck you...cuz you don't matter." Now what is this chick....what is she supposed to do? How is she supposed to handle this? And why can't anyone shut the hell up for 2 seconds to even consider what she feels is most definitely real? Who knows...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 first blog post..

So what's up fam? Its been a hectic first couple a weeks...getting my classes together, organizing my life, thinking things through and such, to start out my blogging experience i'd like to clarify some things.  Anything you may experience on here is totally my opinion...if it doesn't make sense to you, maybe it's not supposed to....because honestly my blog is primarily for me and to help with my expression issues lol.  You will experience my randomness, my thoughts, my passions, my interests, etc...just don't judge me lol.  Well, I know this was a short post, but hopefully I'll bring much more on a regular basis...but for now, good night cruel world and stay Blessed with a capital BEEEEEEEE ;)